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CSLRCD Seeks New Board Member


For more than 50 years, the Coastal San Luis Resource Conservation District (CSLRCD) has been an important partner in the community, working to support landowners to protect soil and water resources through implementation of conservation and restoration projects. The seven-member volunteer Board of Directors of the CSLRCD provides policy and fiscal direction to the organization to support the District’s mission. The CSLRCD currently has an open position on the Board of Directors. For assistance with your application and additional information, please contact the CSLRCD office at (805) 772-4391.

Board of Director Candidate Qualifications and Description

Candidates must be a registered voter in the State of California and must reside in the District. Additionally, a candidate must meet one of the following requirements: a) own property in the District (or be a designated agent of a land owner within the District); or b) have served as an Associate Director for two years (as a substitute for not owning land within the District). There is no substitute for not residing in the District.

Pursuant to Section 9314 of the California Public Resources Code, Board Directors are not elected to the Board of Directors of the Resource Conservation District. In lieu of an election, directors are approved by the CSLRCD Board of Directors and then officially appointed by the San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors to serve a four-year term. There are no limits on the number of terms a board member may serve.

Directors do not receive financial compensation for serving on the board, however they are reimbursed for pre-approved travel and other associated expenses when conducting work for the District. Additionally, appointees to the Board are not considered County employees for the purposes of employment benefits, such as Workers Compensation, health insurance, etc.

Board Member Requirements

  • Demonstrate interest or knowledge in local conservation issues; and
  • Attend monthly Board meetings the 4th Friday of each month at 12 p,m, in San Luis Obispo; and 
  • Participate in District policy and program development; and
  • Provide financial guidance and budget oversight; and
  • Provide guidance and direction to staff, and maintain fair and equitable personnel policies.

Board Member Expectations

  • Understand environmental issues and the need for soil and water conservation; and
  • Have experience in conducting meetings and parliamentary procedures; and
  • Possess technical background in environmental sciences or agriculture.

Other Board Member Requirements

  • Complete ethics and harassment training every two years; and 
  • Complete a Statement of Economic Interests (FPPC Form 700) upon assuming position, annually, and upon leaving position.

Applicant Information